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How to Return a Product
“ We're more than happy to accept a return within the 30 day period. Please give us a call to arrange this... ”
Stuart, Sales
We are pleased to offer a 30 day money back guarantee and free returns service. You can arrange a return for a product inside our 30 day guarantee period here. Alternatively you can contact us directly and speak to our customer care department on 0800 652 6000.
When contacting us to arrange a return we usually ask for the following information:
- Are the goods still within the 30 Day money back Guarantee?
- Are the goods still in the original packaging and in a reselable condition?
- How many parcels or pallets would you like to return?
- What address would you like the goods collected from?
- Contact name and telephone number for collection
- What are the opening times for collection?
- Do you need us to quote any reference?