
How wide is a bench seat?

The width of a standard bench seat depends on the number of people it is designed to seat. That said, a bench seat designed for two people typically has a width of 42- 52 inches; a bench seat for three people is approximately 53-80 inches wide, and bench seats above 80 inches wide can accommodate at least four people. 

As the width of a bench seat can vary between brands and designs, it is always best to check the seating capacity of a bench seat product before purchasing. 

What height should a bench seat be? 

Although the standard height of a bench seat is between 18 and 20 inches, how high a bench seat should be will depend on who will be using it. For example, you may need a lower bench seat for young children in schools so that it is accessible for pupils. You can calculate the height of a bench seat by measuring the distance between the seat and the floor. 

What is the depth of a standard bench seat? 

The depth of a standard bench seat is approximately between 15 and 20 inches but as with other dimensions, the depth you will require for your bench seat can depend on who the bench will be used by – i.e. a bench seat for young children may require a smaller depth in order to be comfortable. 

Types of benches

There are many different types of benches that are designed for specific purposes, here are just some types of bench seats and their typical features: 

Why not browse our range of changing room bench seats today!?

  • Park benches – these will often feature a backrest attached to the bench seat and can be found in many public spaces such as parks.
  • Picnic benches – these are tables with bench seats that are designed for dining outdoors and are ideal for commercial use at restaurants, pubs, and other outdoor areas. 

What to consider before buying a bench seat

You may be wondering which bench seat is right for your business needs. Here are a few things for you to consider before deciding which bench seat it right for you:

  • Who will be using the bench seat? – It’s important to establish who the bench seat is designed to be used by as this will determine the appropriate dimensions. 
  • What is your budget? 
  • How much available space do you have? You will need to think about how much space you have and should ideally take measurements of the location you hope to place your bench seat to ensure that it does not block off access to other areas. If you are looking for a bench seat for a cloakroom, it may be best to opt for a single-sided bench seat with hooks for items such as coats as this is usually a high traffic area that requires space for movement. 
  • Where will the bench seat be located? For example, if you require a bench seat for a changing room, you could consider a changing room bench and locker seat as this is a space-efficient way of adding storage for personal belongings.

Looking for bench seats? 

If you’re in need of a bench seat you’ve come to the right place! Here at Manutan, we have a range of bench seats available in different widths to suit your individual needs. 

Need help? Get in touch with our friendly sales team today who will be more than happy to offer their advice and assist you with your purchase. 

Kyle Bones