
What Does Your Workbench Say About You?

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Whether you work as part of a manic production line, have electronic assembly duties or find yourself in a super hi-tech laboratory – the way your workstation is configured tells you more about your attitude and style of working than any other piece of equipment.

Maybe more than you’d care to admit…..

Get personal

But it’s much more than that. Your workstation is your source of inspiration, and if you’re anything like me you’ll spend more time working with her than anyone else. With this in mind, I want my workbench to be unique to me, the solution; Treston.

I dream of arriving each day knowing my dance partner can adapt to my ever changing workload. I want to minimise stepping on my partners toes daily and work together in harmony.

This relationship could be enhanced simply by changing the height at which I work. This is achieved via a quick Allen key adjustment, turn of the hand crank or impressive electronic option – at the touch of a button the built in motor fires into action and automatically transforms your bench height. Having witnessed this first hand I can assure you it has all the ego boasting qualities of watching the soft top of your Italian sports car effortlessly retract into the boot.

If it’s a less ostentatious approach to personalising your work environment you’re after then Treston offer a wide array of subtle gadgets to assist in your daily tasks – from configuring your drawer, cabinet and shelving units to adding a bin rail or perforated panels – they have you covered every step of the way.

Maybe you’d like your 15 minutes of fame to last all day; in which case the addition of Trestons’ lighting solutions will thrust you into the spotlight and literally make your work shine.

Get healthy

Could your current set up be making you ill? What are the long term side effects of being stationed at your temple of “workship” all day? These are some of questions being raised by employees and employers alike right now.

The answer: get healthy.

Treston have addressed this, citing inspiration from their Scandinavian clients who have some of the lowest work/stress related figures in the world! They found a direct link between reducing the time spent sitting during work and a whole list of health benefits which boosted productivity and efficiency!

Now, guidance is being drawn up for employers here in the UK to ensure they don’t put their staff at risk,

What may be most shocking is that irrespective of your level of physical activity, prolonged sedentary working leads to a significant increase in the risk of: heart disease, diabetes, obesity, certain cancers, depression and muscle and joint problems.” Professor John Buckley, University of Chester.

Get ahead of the game and take care of yourself at the same time with one of Trestons’ sit/stand workbenches. Or explore cutting edge seating variants that offer a range of additional support. If you are feeling really brave then try Trestons’ saddle chair, closest thing you’ll get to becoming John Wayne at work!

Get Treston

Quality, fine craftsmanship and 5 year guarantees on framework come as standard. I’m sure this will go a long way to satisfy the ‘brain’ part of making your workbench selection. However with such an important piece of equipment this decision needs to be an emotive one – based on how you feel when you engage directly as one with your workstation.

Get Treston; we offer Treston workbenches as they are a company  investing so much passion into producing a personal, safe and ultimately productive place to be!

Start changing your working environment and be proud of what your workbench would say about you!

Speak to us at Key for expert advice on creating your perfect workbench.

Victoria Vaughan