16th November 2012 Children In Need Fundraising On Friday the 16th here at Key we did a bit of fund raising to support Children In Need, and we thought what better way to do so than with food! We decided to have a... Categories Corporate Comments: 0
29th October 2012 Outdoor Safety this Winter The clocks have gone back and the days are getting shorter and colder (sorry we know it’s a depressing thought). On a brighter note we have some advice to help look after employees working outdoors. Here... Categories Health & Safety/Winter Comments: 0
23rd October 2012 Keep Your Workplace Warm This Winter Winter seems to come round rather quickly and it’s important to start thinking about ways to keep the workpalce warm and employees happy! After all, happy employees means a more positive workplace, and greater productivity. Sometimes... Categories Winter Comments: 0
23rd October 2012 A Helpful Guide to Heaters Now the winter months are fast approaching, many people will be thinking about the best way to provide additional heating. But there are many types of heaters and it can be hard to figure out which... Categories Buyers Guides/Winter Comment: 1
23rd October 2012 Help to Prevent Slips this Winter Over a third of all major injuries reported every year are a result of a slip or trip, and it is the most common cause of workplace injuries. It is a requirement under the Workplace (Health,... Categories Winter Comments: 0
23rd October 2012 Clothing for Winter The term ‘appropriate clothing’ is always mentioned when winter rolls round, but what does that mean? This post will help clarify what you should be doing to protect yourself from the harsh weather. An ideal way... Categories Winter Comments: 0
23rd October 2012 How Gritting Works Although referred to as ‘gritting’ it is not grit that is used on our roads, but salt. The most commonly used salt used to treat roads, pavements and car parks is called rock salt. By treating... Categories Winter Comments: 0
18th October 2012 Top 10 Winter Driving Tips Driving in the winter can be challenging with darker days, rain, ice and snow. Check out our top 10 winter driving tips to help you stay safe. Keep a ‘survival’ pack in your car. This should... Categories Winter Comments: 0
18th October 2012 How to Help Prevent Frostbite As with our post about how to help prevent hypothermia, this post is about avoiding and treating frostbite. What is Frostbite? It is an injury to the body that is caused by freezing. It most commonly... Categories Winter Comments: 0
17th October 2012 How to Help Prevent Hypothermia If you think about conditions like hypothermia, you will often think of freezing temperatures and lots of snow. However, you put yourself at risk just by being out in the cold without appropriate clothing – this... Categories Winter Comments: 0