18th December 2020 Working From Home With Your Children Usually, when you’re at home with your children, you are not also at work! It is not surprising that children especially if they are younger will not understand your need to concentrate. There is no magic... Categories Home Office
18th December 2020 Why does home working improve employee commitment? Recent events have driven many businesses to explore the option of home working fully. According to the polls, 79% of homeworkers find that this improves their commitment; 75% of employers say they found the same. Furthermore,... Categories Home Office
26th November 2020 Home-working & Ergonomics – How to prevent problems by using the right equipment The impact of Covid-19 has effected all of us. For a huge number of office workers across the United Kingdom, working at home is now the only option available to them and there are a lot... Categories Home Office
26th November 2020 How to organise your home working space When working from home, it is essential to remember how vital our environment is to our well-being. It helps to create a working space dedicated to our job, as this space will: Draw a clear, healthy line between... Categories Home Office
25th November 2020 How to stay happy whilst working from home Whether we are already used to working from home, or completely new to the experience, the Coronavirus lockdowns have significantly changed life for everyone. We must all adapt to this unprecedented situation, at home and during... Categories Home Office
24th November 2020 Home-working: staying in touch with colleagues! Whilst it might seem a little strange, home-working, if done right, can genuinely boost team spirit! Yes, indeed, we’re not physically together so we do miss our colleagues when they’re not with us, but it’s important... Categories Home Office