
Best practices for dealing with heatwaves at work

Last modified date

In the event of very high temperatures at work, regulations, rights, and safety measures must be complied with to ensure the health of employees.

Mandatory measures to be implemented by the employer

  • Provide fresh drinking water to all employees
  • Ventilate and renew the air in confined spaces
  • Implement the recommendations of the national heatwave plan
  • Set up workstations and rest areas suitable for high temperatures

Symptoms to watch out for

  • Headaches
  • Vertigo
  • Excessive sweating
  • Nausea
  • Cramps

These symptoms are a health hazard and make it very difficult for the employee to perform his or her tasks, thereby increasing the risk of accidents at work.

To avoid any risk to your health, notify your supervisor immediately if you develop symptoms.

Our 10 recommendations to protect your employees from the heat

  1. Inform employees of the symptoms of heatstroke
  2. Encourage remote working
  3. Adjust schedules to work during the coolest hours
  4. Decrease or postpone physical labour
  5. Minimise the duration of exposure to heat
  6. Decrease the pace of work
  7. Ensure that employees do not work alone
  8. Increase the frequency of breaks
  9. Equip your employees with personal protective equipment adapted to the heat
  10. Turn off electronic devices that are not required to be used

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Lauren Warwick